Hi!  My name is Cessil and
I share this dorm with my brother, Stinky.

This is our pad while we're going to C.L.A.W. U.
I'm going for my Masters in Health and Vet Science and
Stinky his Masters of Human Understanding.

This is the Living room. I enjoy the video games and Stinky loves to curl up in front of the fire place.


Here's the Kitchen one of Stinky's favorite rooms. Have some coffee but don't drink it all....I made it for my Dad.


Here's the Den that I've taken over as my Exercise room.....Check out my trophies and awards.


This is the Little Kitties Room, the place I go after my work out.
Don't expect Stinky in here much...well....he is called Stinky....:)


And finally here's our Bedroom!!
Sorry about the mess Stinky just had a cat nap and...well...I'm just messy.

Come back soon. We always have room for our friends....:)

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To Stinky's C.L.A.W. Page

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