Aries(March 21--April 19)
Aries cats are adventurous creatures, busy and not restful pets. They have a loyal streak and loved being fussed over when in the right mood.
Taurus (April 19--May 20)
The Taurus cat is always purring and happiest when asleep on his favorite bed. They love food and will tend to be a little on the plump side. They are easy going, but will react fiercely if angered.Gemini (May 20--June 21)
The Gemini cat is an out and about cat, he will become restless if expected to be a lap cat. An incurable flirt, this cat makes for fascinating sometimes exasperating company.Cancer (June21--July 22)
The Cancer cat is ideal for someone who spends a lot of time at home. The Cancer cat will spend a lot of time by your side, climbing on your lap at every opportunity. They are easily offended.Leo (July 22--August 22)
Leo cats must rule the roost unchallenged. They have a striking appearance and keep their coats in shape. They adore praise and will go out of their way to attract attention.Virgo (August 23--September 22)
The Virgo cat is a cautious careful cat. Very intelligent and they don't mind if their owners are out all day. They love a change of scenery and a trip out in the cat basket.Libra (September 23--October 22)
The Libra cat loves to be pampered. They love attention and don't appreciate being shooed off their favorite chair.Scorpio (October22--November 21)
The Scorpio cat is a passionate, magical cat with a magnetic personality. He leaps and bounds joyfully. He doesn't make friends easily, but once won over he is your friend for life.Sagittarius (November 22--December 21)
The Sagittarius cat is a freedom loving rover. They lack the grace of the other signs. Their great loves in life are eating and human company. To much fussing over them makes them impatient.Capricorn (December 22--January 22)
The Capricorn cat is unruffled and serene. Usually timid with strangers. They crave attention but may feel inhibited about demanding it. Be sensitive to their needs.Aquarius (January 23--February 21)
The Aquarius cat is unpredictable, decorative, and rather aloof. Admire him from afar. They rarely show affection for humans, but observes them with interest.Pisces (February 22--March 20)
The Pisces cat is a home loving cat, the lure of the garden wall holds no interest for this cat. Attention centers on their owner, who can be assured of their devotion
For something more detailed and for horoscopes try Foo Foo's Cat Astrology