here to see The Fammliar Alliance
(Cessil's Web Site)
Name: Cessil
Date of Birth: 7/4/95
Likes: Kneading my own tail, chunks n' sauce, the flashlight light, cat nip,
Dislikes: Kisses from Dad,"Hi, My name is Cessil. I'm a orange cat and Lister is my brother. I own a spaceship called the Cessil Vessel and I aspire to become a gynecologist. I practice by watching my female human in the bathroom as often as I can. I have many degree's in the science's and math's not earn through C.L.A.W. I'm very handsome and hate it when humans cuddle me... Well I act all tough so Its my job to fidget when cuddled.
My Favorite Human is the male that puts out the food."-Cessil
I'm trying to get my DCH in Health and Veterinary Sciences.
Here's the C.L.A.W. Guilds and Stuff I've Joined
I was Hunter of the month for March 2000
Feel free to e-mail me anytime...just remember to put my name on it some where cuz I do share this address with my brothers.
E-mail at listerslitterbox@hotmail.com