Animal Totems

Finding your Totem

     ALLIGATOR: aggression, survival, adaptability

     ANT: team player, worker

     ARMADILLO: active, nocturnal, protection

     BAT: Initiation, Rebirth, Changes, Blessings, Trust, Instincts, Perspective.

     BEE: Community, Celebration, Organization.

     BEAR: Introspection, Power, Prophecy, Intuition, Sovereignty, Instinct, Transformation, Strength, Courage, Stamina, Harmony, Healing, Visions, Leadership.

     BEAVER: builder, gather

     BLACKBIRD: Enchantment, The Gateway, The Inner Call.

     BOBCAT: fierce, loner, intensity

     BUFFALO: sacredness, life builder

     BULL: Wealth, Potency, Beneficence, Fertility, Strength, Power, Courage, Stamina, Sexuality.

     BUTTERFLY: metamorphosis, carefree, transformer

     CAMEL: weary, enduring

     CAT: Guardianship, Detachment, Sensuality, Mystery, Magic, Independence, Protection, Teacher,        Confidence, Gentleness, Caution, Alertness, Spirit detection.

     CHEETAH: Decisions, Swiftness, Speed, Self - Esteem.

     CRAB: Sensitivity, Emotions, Loyalty.

     CRANE: solitude, independence

     COUGAR: Growth, Strength, Power, Opportunities, Balance.

     COW: patience, stoicism

     COYOTE: Wisdom, Jokester, Tasks, Adaptations, Teaching, Demonstrating, Communicating, Resourceful, Cunning, Discernment.

     DEER: Gentleness, Love, Alertness, Camouflage, Attention, Intuition, Dreams, Communication, Serenity, Acceptance.

     DOG: Guidance, Protection, Loyalty, Faithfulness, Protection, Playfulness.

     DOLPHIN: Dimensions, Curiosity, Playfulness, Balance, Compassion, Understanding, Love, Calm, Eloquence, Freedom, Emotion.

     DOVE: love, peace, gentleness

     DRAGON: Passion, Depth, Connection, Power, Potential, Riches, Inspiration, Insight, Vitality, Transmutation.

     DRAGONFLY: flighty, carefree

     EAGLE: Understanding, Completion, Initiation, Power, Intelligence, Renewal, Courage, Healing, Creation.

     ELEPHANT: Power, Strength, Warrior, Memory.

     ELK: strength, agility, freedom

     FOX: Cunning, Diplomacy, Wildness, Camouflage, Shapeshifting,  Invisibility, Survival, Intuition, Adaptability, Observation.

     FROG: Cleansing, Clairvoyance, Medicine, Sensitivity.

     GIRAFFE: watchfulness, mobility

     GOAT: Climbing, Stability, Confidence, Achievements, Loyalty, Ambition.

     GOOSE: faithful, communiative, traveler

     GORILLA: brute strength, adaptability

     GRIZZLY BEAR: hunter, nature's pharmacist

     HAWK: Nobility, Recollection, Cleansing.

     HIPPO: linking water and earth, survival

     HORSE: Travel, Power, Freedom.

     HUMMINGBIRD: Knowledge, Contradiction.

     JAGUAR: Ferocity, Strength, Agility.

     KANGAROO: feisty, funloving

     LEOPARD: Silent, inconspicuous, intuition, instincts, Perseverance, Dignity, Aggression, Confidence, Swiftness, Cunning, Strength, Boldness, Visions, Vitality, Perception, Achievements, Knowledge.

     LION: Leadership, Organization, Wisdom, Enthusiasm, Assertion, Strength, Courage, Energy, Creativity, Intuition, Imagination.

     LIZARD: conservation, agility

     LOON: solitude, song, romance

     LYNX: Secrets, Knowledge, Clairvoyance, Meditation, Patience, Achievements.

     MANATEE: peaceable, unassuming

     MONKEY: playfulness, agility

     MOOSE: headstrong, unstoppable, longevity

     MOUSE: Scrutiny, Organization, Trust, Innocence, Observation, Cleaning, Hyperactivity.

     ORCA: focus, power

     OSTRICH: fickle, fast moving

     OTTER: Joy, Play, Helpfulness, Sharing, Faithfulness, Feminine, Medicine, Creativity.

     OWL: Detachment, Wisdom, Change, Omens.

     PANDA: playful, kindness

     PANTHER: Ferocity, Visions, Valor, Discipline, Control, Wisdom, Sensitivity.

     PELICAN: ever watchful, grace

     PENGUIN: playful, loving

     PHEASANT: confidence, attraction, perseverance

     PIG: intelligence, hunger

     POLAR BEAR: fearlessness, power

     QUAIL: sacred spiral, ceremonial, holy

     RABBIT: Rebirth, Intuition, Balance, Fertility, New Life, Dietary, Spirit detection, Transformation, Defense.

     RACCOON: Dexterity, cleanliness, disguise, explorers, curious, secrecy, transformation, courage.

     RAM: Sacrifice, Breakthrough, Achievement, Strength, Power, Courage, Battle.

     RAVEN: Healing, Initiation, Protection, Magic, Shapeshifting, Creation.

     RHINO: durability, strength

     SALMON: instinct, persistence, determination

     SCORPION: Power, Intuition, Sensuality, Leadership, Dreams.

     SEAHORSE: confidence, grace

     SEAL: Love, Longing, Dilemma.

     SHARK: hunter, survival

     SKUNK: wary, conspicuous, intense

     SNAKE: Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, Wisdom, Transformation, Healing, Sleep, Calm.

     SPIDER: creative, pattern of life

     SQUIRREL: Activity, preparedness, awareness, sociable, playful, Balance.

     SWAN: Soul, Love, Beauty.

     TIGER: Power, devotion, tact, skill, adventure, passion, Courage, Sensitivity, Devotion, Endurance, Energy, Nobility, Strength, Creativity, Healing, Sensuality.

     TURKEY: smart, elusive

     TURTLE: self-contained, creative source

     WHALE: Awakening, Creation, Movement, Imagination, Inspiration.

     WOLF: Intuition, Learning, Shadow, Guardianship, Ritual, Loyalty, Spirit, Magick, Dreams, Meditation, Wisdom, Pathfinder, Teacher, Friendship,

     ZEBRA: family oriented, alert

     Finding your Totem

     Animal totems are animals we tend to have an attraction to. They have qualities and behaviors that we admire and would like to emulate. They give us comfort and peace. Learning of your animal totem(s) will give you a greater sense of appreciation of your own connections to all life.

     By recognizing and acknowledging your totem as you see them, the energy working in your life will increase. You will notice your animal everywhere you go, in books, magazines and postcards, in nature, in dreams and visions. Your awareness will abound. Here follows a basic guideline to finding your special animal.
         - Which animals have always fascinated you, especially in childhood?
         - Which animals have you always felt connected to?
         - What animals do you see frequently in the wild?
         - Which quality of animal best describes your personality?
         - Which animals do you have around you in pictures, T-shirts or figurines?

There are a few things to note however:
         - Animals usually choose the person, not the other way around.
         - Lifelong power totems are usually wild in nature, not domesticated.
         - Great respect / honor must be paid to the animal for a relationship to happen
         - Read, learn and surround yourself with pictures of the animal. By doing this you connect with the animal and the energy and wisdom it imparts