Pet Protection Spell Bottle

What you need:
1 cup of soil you've collected yourself
1 cup of salt
1 white taper candle
1 bottle (remove label if there is one and wash out - a brown beer bottle works well - due
to the color)
 1 stick pin
1 Bay Leaf
1 Tablespoon of Dill Seeds
1 Tablespoon of Fennel Seeds
1 Carnelian Stone

Put half a cup of dirt into the bottom of the bottle. Add half a cup of salt on top of that (to make layers). Next add the bay leaf and the dill and fennel seeds. Put half a cup of salt on top of this and half a cup of dirt on top of the salt. Drop the carnelian stone on top of everything. Use a stick pin to carve the word "Protect __pets name here__" in the taper candle stick. Fit candle into the top of the bottle. If the taper is too big wedge  it in (by
circling it) until it stays securely by itself. Burn the candle when convenient. You don't have to burn it all down at once, but eventually the candle will burn itself out (you could maybe burn it once a week or so). When the candle will not stay lit any longer, put the spell bottle near the place your pet spends most of his or her time. This helps to protect them.

*Raven BlackWolf The Crystal Cauldron